Change The Routine And Transform Your Life

To achieve different results and get closer to your goals, you need to do different things. The habit of staying in routine cycles and comfort zones is a natural tendency of the mind. It is rather about starting the day knowing what new things I will do or do differently.

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Constructive or Wearing Opposition

For most of us, our whole life is based on opposition, on some act of the will to go against the flow. And we cannot conceive an action without volition, without effort; Our life is based on it. Our social, economic, and “spiritual” life is a series of efforts that always culminate in a certain result. And we believe that opposition is essential, necessary.

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Origen de la Improvisación Musical

Hoy son más los músicos profesionales reconocidos que distinguen la diferencia entre la música producida por el universo, con la cual es posible conectarse y desde la cual surgen hermosas melodías de manera espontánea, y la música que es enseñada en las escuelas tradicionales para reproducir o interpretar. Veamos la entrevista que le hacen a Vangelis donde destaca la desviación que ha tenido del concepto de la música a lo largo del tiempo.

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